Who's Who
Aaron Porter is the main protagonist, and he is most certainly not comfortable with bearing such a responsibility, label, or anything that, you know, puts him in the spotlight. As shy and unassuming as he is, Aaron would cringe and squirm at the thought of this very paragraph I’m writing about him. (Sorry, Aaron, but visitors are curious about you, whether you like it or not. Remember to breathe. We’ll talk later).
Okay, back to Aaron, our fourteen-year-old hero of this story (That’s right, Aaron, get comfortable with this). Aaron’s love for his stepfather Martin is his anchor and grounding device, including Martin’s guidance for knowing how to see a situation for what it is, as he expresses through Leonardo Da Vinci’s famed phrase, Sapere Verdere, which means knowing how to see—a skill Aaron falls back on often. While Martin is a source of Aaron’s strength, his loss during a military operation gone wrong has become Aaron’s biggest source of grief in his short fourteen years, despite not knowing his paternal father and experiencing his mother’s abandonment through her substance addiction. Yes, Aaron has been dealt a tough hand, and he deals with his grief through food, the greasier and fattier the better. To Aaron, life gets no better than a Double Pepperoni Pizza Hot Pocket smothered in queso dip and sprinkled with bacon bits. Washing it all down with a full two-liter of Dr. Pepper is the perfect way to end a night.
But, while Aaron deals with his emotions rather unhealthily, he does have other outlets, one of which is garbage picking in Sand Run Estates, where he lives with his Gram and his older brother, Owen. Sand Run Estates is a sprawling neighborhood of primarily bungalows and ranches and boasts all kinds of prizes on weekly “Junk Night” if one knows where to look. Aaron does, and his trusty companion, his custom bicycle, Shelby, is the chariot he proudly rides into his Junk Night missions with Shelby’s accompanying tow-behind trailer—originally intended for kiddos, but now another garbage-picked prize that’s been ironically enlisted to haul other junk. Shelby earned her name (yes, it’s a her, just go with it, am I right Aaron?) after Martin taught Aaron all about the Shelby muscle car, which is comprised of parts from other cars that come together to make something altogether new and unique. Shelby is just that: A reconstructed bike that came from dozens of previous garbage-picking jaunts, pieced together to make something altogether its own. As far as Aaron is concerned, no other bicycle like it exists, despite her flaws and quirks.
(Warning, Aaron, embarrassment ahead.) Shelby isn’t the only apple of Aaron’s eye. The other is Libby Jaite, his enduring crush and nemesis of his other, decidedly mouthier friend, Simon Kent. But I’ll let you read on and get to know those two characters and come to your own conclusions.
Before she became a ruthless killer, leader of equally ruthless warriors from the past, and a hater of all modern humanity, THE REDEEMER was once somebody else. Who, this author shall not tell, for it would be a shame to spoil anything for you.
Suffice it to say, The Redeemer, the story’s main antagonist, has a simple answer to the question, “What would you do to save someone you love?” She would murder anyone who stands in her way. Full stop. Her hatred toward those who’ve wronged her and her daughter knows no bounds. She will enact the unspeakable to ensure full redemption and has enlisted some like-minded friends from the past who are willing to help her do it.
Most teenage girls living in Portage Falls in 2021 dwell in worlds that are mostly virtual, whether those places are Snapchat, Instagram, or whatever the latest social media app trend may be. They relish drumming up likes for their selfies to make their friends, enemies, and frenemies equally jealous. They’ll huddle in giggling packs while sneaking glances at the boys at the Portage Falls Rockin’ on the River festival that heaves up every Friday night in the summer near the town square and its adjacent namesake waterfall.
And then there’s fourteen-year-old Libby Jaite. Libby would rather be elbow-deep in a deer carcass after her latest hunting expedition with her dad, or maybe fishing down at “Jaite Point” in the lush Cuyahoga Valley—her favorite place. It’s a small out-of-the-way pond where she and her late mother bonded as they competed to see who could reel in the most bluegills.
Libby is as familiar with weapons and survivalism as she is with the geography of the forested Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) and is someone you want on your side if ever in a pinch in the wilderness. Her parents and their apathy toward modern cyber garbage have helped her see to that.
But it’s not just the beauty and serenity of the forest and the valley that compels Libby to seek refuge there, often hiking along the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail or the Buckeye Trail in the CVNP to find a good spot for her nature sketches. While her lazy eye isn’t that noticeable, it’s still earned her some cruel name-calling, including some jibes courtesy of Aaron’s other friend, Simon Kent, despite how much Aaron has chastised Simon for what Simon believes to be “light-hearted fun.” But as both Aaron and Simon could find out, they just might need Libby’s outdoor skills and experience more than they realize.
Oh, and this will embarrass Aaron, but Libby knows that Aaron has a crush on her, and she does what she can to keep her reaction cool whenever she catches him stealing glances at her in class (shhhh). Maybe being thrust into an unexpected situation will bring them closer together and get Aaron to open up more, you never know.
Simon Kent is somehow Aaron’s best friend. Where Aaron is patient and thoughtful, Simon is cantankerous and pushy. Where Aaron is shy and chooses his words carefully, Simon is standoffish and blunt. You may be able to break through Simon’s crusty exterior by talking about the latest Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto, given one of Simon’s enduring pastimes is blogging about video games—which mostly suck, in his not-so-humble opinion—but any success in getting his undivided attention will be short-lived as he loses interest and goes back to thumbing away at his Xbox controller and recording notes for his latest negative review.
What draws Aaron and Simon together? That’s up for debate, and Libby Jaite would pay a king’s ransom to find out, such is her vexation with how a gentle soul like Aaron could befriend such an acid-tongued little creep. Perhaps it’s the fact that Aaron and Simon share a love of Dr. Pepper, Cheetos, Pringles, and anything that’s extremely processed and unhealthy for a pair of fourteen-year-olds. Or maybe it’s the fact that each of them has an over-achieving, athletic older brother—Aaron with Owen, and Simon with Gabe. Whatever the case may be, these two will need to heavily lean on each other if they are to survive the ordeals they’ll find themselves in, and we may learn that there’s more to Simon Kent than we previously thought…
Yes, Shelby, Aaron’s custom bicycle, gets her own character profile. Aaron would be very upset if she didn’t, as he spends most of his free time with her, whether it’s on a weekend, riding her along the nearby Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail in the CVNP, or saddling up on her for another weekly Junk Night. Shelby was his labor of love, pieced together after many Junk Night jaunts. Her tires don’t match, her brakes aren’t all that reliable, and her seat was plucked from a women’s bicycle. But Aaron doesn’t mind her quirks—in fact, he cherishes them, and loves that his stepfather helped him assemble her. And when Aaron opens Gram’s single-car garage, the door casters screeching up rails in serious need of lube, Shelby’s fire-engine-red coat of paint comes into view, gleaming as it catches the waning light of dusk. With her name, SHELBY, crudely scrawled across her top tub in white paint, Aaron can’t help but smile at his creation as he readies for another Junk Night adventure. What will they find this time?
Owen is Aaron’s older brother. At just sixteen-years-old, Owen has already become a highly decorated player on the Portage Falls High School football team and was listed as All-Ohio Second Team as a sophomore. He was also in the running for the Cleveland Plain Dealer’s Offensive Player of the Year in 2020.
Where Aaron relieves his grief through food, Owen uses his foundation of athletic achievement and physical fitness to propel himself to greater heights. His work ethic and physique, honed from his dedication to the weight room and gridiron, have given him all he needs to reach his goal of becoming a NCAA Division I wide receiver or defensive back. He’s well on his way, but the only thing holding Owen back is his choice of friends. Not even Aaron can figure out Owen’s loyalty to the likes of Connor Littlefield.
Mildred O’Malley, aka “Gram,” is Aaron and Owen’s maternal grandmother. Widowed since losing her husband Vernon (aka “Verne”) in 2019, Gram has taken on the challenge of raising two teenage boys by herself. She found herself in this situation because, a), her daughter, Amanda, who’s the mother of Aaron and Owen, has been battling an opioid addiction since 2016, and is continually in and out of rehab; and b), any hope of a stable parent in her grandsons’ lives vanished when their stepfather, Martin, went missing around that same time. Aaron and Owen’s deadbeat biological father has been long out of the picture and is completely unknown to the boys—something for which Gram is actually grateful.
While it’s true she’s been dealt a difficult hand during a time in which she could be playing Euchre with the ladies of Sand Run Estates or engaged in a pickleball match with friends at the local rec center, Gram has risen to the challenge—and then some. Her tough, no-nonsense approach to life—which has no doubt been influenced by her Irish working-class heritage—has fostered a stable, regimented home life for Aaron and Owen. They know they can count on Gram for anything, including being treated to an aromatic dinner of meat lasagna with crispy Texas Toast (Owen’s favorite) every Thursday and having a fervent and embarrassingly loud cheerleader at Owen’s Friday night games. She’s equally proud of “little Aaron” whenever he comes out of his shell and swells with pride when she sees him come riding back from his weekly Junk Night adventures, something she grew to appreciate after he found her a marvelous antique table lamp—in near perfect condition—which now sits atop the end table next to the recliner where she relaxes with her nightly glass of cream sherry.
At fifteen-years-old, Hannah Vance has already developed quite an attitude and mouth to go with it. Not one to mince words, she prefers to do as much damage as possible up front and not drag things out. If it’s possible to go there, she will, and be done with it. Perhaps recipients of Hannah’s ire can thank the years of bullying she’s endured, whether in person or in cyberspace. Her preferences for dark poetry, emo and goth music, and all-black getup makes her different among her Portage Falls High School classmates, and a ready target for cowardly trolls hiding behind their keyboards. It’s what drives Hannah to make a fateful decision that can never be undone.
Or can it?
While Libby simply cannot puzzle out Aaron’s friendship with Simon, it’s Aaron who ironically cannot decode his brother Owen’s undying loyalty to the likes of Connor Littlefield. Brash, arrogant, and calculated, Connor knows how to push Owen’s buttons, only to quickly win back Owen’s favor through an abundance of privilege, whether that privilege takes the form of Connor’s V6 Audi, his daddy’s money and resources, or any combination of those things that enables him to get his way.
And some of Connor’s way isn’t exactly along the moral and ethical path of which Gram would approve. Aaron knows this. Libby and Simon (yes, even Simon) know this. Owen’s other friend Reid seems to know this. Either Owen doesn’t know this, or he doesn’t care enough to disrupt the perks that come with the occasional tumult of a friendship with Connor.
Reid Marlowe is a friend of Owen’s and the most level-headed among Owen’s core friend group. Reid also happens to be Aaron’s favorite, if for no other reason than the fact that Reid is kind, inclusive of Aaron—not minding if he tags along with Owen—and most importantly, refrains from calling Aaron names like, “Portly,” or worse, which Owen’s other friends Connor Littlefield and Dean Cavanaugh do quite often—out of earshot of Owen, of course.
While his long hair, usually pulled back in a ponytail, and gangly, decidedly unathletic, physique make him physically different from Owen’s other friends, it’s his personality and mannerisms that truly set him apart. Reid is laid back but perceptive, amiable but discerning, deferential but willing to stand his ground if needed. But how willing is he to stand up to Connor and his influence over Dean and Owen?
Poor Dean Cavanaugh isn’t quite astute enough to realize just how much his “best friend” Connor Littlefield manipulates, and quite honestly abuses him—at least, verbally. Connor has even bestowed upon Dean the mocking nickname “Dean’s List”, on account of Dean’s below-average wit. If Dean’s bothered by this, you wouldn’t know it. After all, he’s the first to eagerly (and without question) go along with whatever Connor does or says, while his other friends Owen Porter and Reid Marlowe are slower to bend to the will of the unspoken leader of their little friend group.
It’s too bad that Dean isn’t a better judge of character or more scrutinizing of who he spends his time with, much less follows obediently. Dean, who’s physically imposing and as strong as an ox, happens to be Owen’s teammate and a standout defensive lineman on the Portage Falls High School football team. Staying out of trouble would seem like a good idea for an athlete who’s at least smart enough to know that his ticket to college is not through academics. But can Dean’s List resist it when Connor conjures up a “fun adventure” that could potentially veer outside the bounds of the law? Or will he just eagerly follow along as always?
Ah, Gabe, Simon’s over-achieving older brother. Somehow, Gabe and Simon are related, despite their differences. In fact, differences might be an understatement. Gabe’s megawatt smile, dark shoulder-length hair, and athletic build make him downright suave and almost alien-like, especially when he stands next to his shorter, pudgier and, well, unhealthier younger brother.
But what makes Gabe attractive goes beyond the physical. Like Owen, Aaron’s older brother, Gabe is dedicated and disciplined, but he’s also affable and attentive, making Aaron feel seen and included whenever he’s in the blazing spotlight of Gabe’s attention. As a rising soccer (aka fútbol) star and 4.0-student at Saint Mary Catholic High School, Gabe doesn’t have time for serious shenanigans, but is always willing to give Simon the occasional good-humored ribbing whenever Simon attempts (without much success) to poke fun at his otherworldly older brother.
Gil Stanford, a middle-aged bachelor, is the proud owner of The Kendall House, a turn-of-the-century farmhouse nestled in the CVNP. Those familiar with the area might draw comparisons to the real Stanford House. The Cuyahoga Valley National Park Conservancy restored the fictional home several years ago with the help of a wealthy donor. That donor would be Mr. Stanford—right? Gil, who lives there full time, takes impeccable care of the home and keeps it especially secure. But what, or who, is he securing it from?
The Mohawk Man is The Redeemer’s righthand man, no matter what century they find themselves in. Silent and nameless, he’s the only member of her band of warriors who hails from the Mohawk nation, as the others—the majority—represent the Cayuga, Oneida, Seneca, and Onondaga nations. He’s also the most ruthless of them all, preferring his warclub to inflict blunt carnage on those he kills before using his knife to surgically claim his trophies.
As brutal as he is, could he be fueled by some other purpose that lurks beneath his chiseled and stoic exterior?
Martin Porter is the stepfather of Aaron and Owen. He was a mainstay in their lives until he went missing during a military operation in Iraq in 2016. Martin brought a sense of much-needed discipline and regiment into the boys’ lives after he moved into their old house on Ross Avenue in Portage Falls during the Fall of 2009 when Aaron was just three years old and Owen was five.
During that seven-year span, Martin helped shape the boys into the teenagers they were to become, with Owen honing his athletic prowess through dedicated weight training and Aaron learning Martin’s skills of observation, something Martin liked to sum up with Leonardo Da Vinci’s well-known phrase, Sapere Verdere, which means knowing how to see. Aaron himself honed this skill during his countless Junk Night reconnaissance missions.
For Aaron, Martin wasn’t just a stepdad who fell into their lives—he was Dad, the only dad Aaron ever knew. The fact that Martin was a black man in a mostly Caucasian Portage Falls wasn’t even something Aaron noticed until he was older, and if anything, it further deepened his love for a man who knew adversity and what it was like to be different. Despite it all, Martin was unwavering, reliable, and always found ways to surprise and delight the boys upon his returns between deployments.